Vprime Shale Shakers

VPRIME series shale shakers are designed according to advanced technology in the drilling industry and are designed to maintain performance with minimum maintenance. VPRIME provides various options of shale shaker to meet unique client’s demands, single linear motion shaker, double deck shaker, and dual motion shale shaker available for orders. For some models of shakers, we supply both metal screen and composite material screen for the option.

VPrime Shakers offer :

Linear Motion Shale Shaker: VPRIME series linear motion shale shaker is the most popular option for a set of solids control system and cost effective. 3 panels and 4 panels of shaker screen both available.

Vprime Mini model designed for HDD or diamond drilling to suit small volume applications. 2 panels of shaker screen to reach mud flow capacity to 45m³at 40 mesh screens.

Basic Benefits of VPrime Shakers

Designed with Simplicity and Durability

Enhanced Fluid-Handling Capacity

Exclusive Benefits

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